Wednesday 19 January 2011

One, two... One , two... Test(icles)

Been willing to start a blog for a while, but the truth of the matter is that I never managed to find the perfect subject to keep me going on a format like this one... I'm late in the game, I know, but I kinda had a dream last night and had to go for it. The idea was so good I started writing on my head, thinking of everything I could do with this space. What else should I do than write about the things that take more time (and space) in my life, then? Records and shirts, that's it -- most of them have a story and I will collect the more interesting ones (at least to me) in this virtual pages.

I'm not a collector in the real sense of the word and haven't bought as many records as I did on the beginning of this year in a long time, but it made perfect sense and I have more than enough to get this going before diving into the old/rare stuff that sits on my shelves. Hope you enjoy this as much as I think I will... Let's see if the rush lasts for a while, since I'm aiming at weekly updates but this can change without notice anytime soon. And forgive me for the low quality photos; I'm so eager to start that I won't even wait to get a proper camera.

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